Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ghandi Quote

So lately this quote by Ghandi has been stuck in my head....
"I like your Christ, but i do not like your christians, they are so unlike your christ"

Wow, that stings. I mean, the purpose of being a christian is to show the world what Christ is like. Yeah we mess up, we are human. But think about it. Christ hung out with prostitutes, theives, tax collectors, and he LOVED them. He showed compassion to those that the religious leaders rejected and rebuked. In fact thats why Jesus had so many problems and confrontations with the Pharisees.

Think about us christians; we are seen as some of the most judgemental people on the face of the planet. Thats something we could all work on. No one is perfect, so no one but God has the right to judge and if he shows the worst sinners love, than why cant we?

Lets turn around the bad stereotype of being judgemental christians and lets show the world how Christ really was. Lets love those that others reject and see as failures. We can reach more poeple through love than judgemental words. So as a christian are you going to model Christ or the Pharisees and religious leaders?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that really makes me rethink my life. Sometimes it does seem that Christians not only act like the world, they're worse.
